Wednesday, July 31, 2024

slowing down

notes on Why Having Free Will Holds You Back

The video hinges on a study conducted by Benjamin Libet. In the study it was found that the brain makes a decision before we are consciously aware of it. Additionally, a second or so before an action, Bereitschaftspotential, or readiness potential, is built up.

Dr. K, the speaker in the video, makes the connection that the difference between non-procrastinators and procrastinators (originally high and low performers) is that non-procrastinators will build up readiness potential, while procrastinators will quickly jump between actions without thought.

Procrastinate less by leveraging readiness potential. Deliberately think on the options you have, rather than having autopilot guide you. This also has the effect of intentional binding, in which you will be more likely to repeat an action you intentionally chose, rather than one you decided hastily.

Afterwards, conduct a "postmortem" on the situation. See what went well and what didn't, but don't mistake this with beating yourself up for a negative outcome. Be as logical as you can.

Another aspect of the brain to take advantage of is avoidance. Procrastinators often mistakingly think that non-procrastinators achieve success through pure dicipline. Non-procrastinators avoid as well, but choose what they want to avoid.

An example Dr. K gives is that he doesn't want to go to the grocery store at 10PM, but he also doesn't want to wake up with no food in the fridge, so he goes. In my life, I see this when I don't want to sleep, but also doesn't want to feel tired the next day.

TLDR: Take your time and make a choice, then assess what happened. Decide what you what to avoid.

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